Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 27th

This is Jimmy Varn and I think I am going to get through this son of a bitch.

I could be horribly wrong, but the moans seem to be quieter. I think we are near the end of the parade. If it is like last time, it will mean a lot of stragglers to clear out but I am ready for it. I want to shoot something. I want to take charge of my life again.

The noise upstairs hasn’t slowed down. I am guessing I have a shit load of zombies up there till I clear them out. The knocking on the outside door is sporadic. It stops for a few hours and then it picks back up. I am really hoping it is Annie. I swear to God, I am finding an Ipod before the next zombie parade.

I tell you one thing; it stinks like shit down here. I have been using ziplock bags and garbage bags but you can only contain the smell of shit so much. Man what I would not give for a flushing toilet. I am really worried I might be making this place into a toxic zone. I would hate to die of dysentery before any zombies have a chance to kill me.

For fun I keep working out my combat plan. I started to name them, plan Alpha, Beta and Gamma, mostly because I have no idea what the Greek letter for ‘C’ is. I practice them in my head and try to come up with contingencies. I am a fucking mastermind of strategy today.

Really it just comes down to how many shots I fire before I run like Hell.

To keep me occupied, I have been browsing online. There seems to be fewer sites up than last time I checked. Yahoo is completely down and I can’t get anything from BoingBoing. You know things have gone to shit when even Wikipedia is completely down. Before I could at least pull up Star Trek trivia, now it doesn’t load at all.

Federal government websites are down too. Only page I did find was for FEMA and it advised everyone to stay indoors, avoid large crowds and conserve water. It was dated December 26th. Fuck. FEMA isn’t coming to save me anytime soon.

What does interest me is that FEMA has officially announced that they don’t know what is going on. Civilians are advised to sit tight. God damn. That is exactly what I am doing and it isn’t working too well.

You know, if I live through this, I might come up with my own survival FAQ. Too bad I don’t know if anyone is actually reading this.

I’m logging off.

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