Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 13th

This is Jimmy Varn and it is storming like a motherfuck.

It started to pour down this morning while I was at the Figs. I started to worry that I needed to get back to Home Base II to collect water, but I realized I had everything set up the day after I moved. Plus I have so much bottled water that I think I can take it easy.

Since I didn’t want to go out in the storm, I stayed at the Figs and killed time. I had come back several times to loot it but that was always on a strict time schedule. Now I could afford to sit there and really take a look at the place.

That is the excuse I am making for just now noticing they had a hand crank radio. It has a big red cross on it, and I think it is some sort of official disaster radio. I look so hard for food and water that I didn’t notice it till I sat on their couch. It was on the floor, sitting beside some magazines.

Apparently all you need to do is crank it if you run out of power. It took a bit of work but I got it charged and running. I flipped through the stations and there was nothing. I hadn’t checked the radio in ages. Obviously it wasn’t much use to the Figs either, but I should pay better attention. You never know.

The storm is vicious. Lightning like I haven’t seen since before Hell Day. Well, at least I don’t have to worry about power going out. It is raining in buckets too. It is a little scary but deep down I am hoping it washes away all of the zombies. I bet the fuckers can’t swim.

Listening to the lightning strikes is pretty terrifying though. I was itching to get back to Home Base II but watching the lightning kept me inside. I don’t know if it is because the city is empty, but the strikes sound so much louder than I remember them being. Each peel of thunder sounds like it is one story above me.

The rain never stopped, but the lightning paused so I made a break for it. I pedaled my ass as fast as possible. I was soaked and I nearly hydroplaned on a bike which is something I never want to do again. Still, I got home which was the good part.

The bad part was that I saw a lot of streets weren’t draining water. Gutters were clogged and the water has to go somewhere. I hope that is just normal for this area and not indicative of flooding. Like I don’t have enough problems.

Hardwood floors are fucking cold when you are dripping wet. I swear, I am thinking of looting a rug store.

Excuse me while I eat a ridiculously decadent meal of the last steak.


  1. I love the inane ideas Jimmy gets, that are typical of everyone. 'I am thinking of looting a rug store' - bwhahaha he could go back to Walmart again!

  2. I just keep picturing Jimmy trying to lug back a big old carpet roll by himself.
